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| ATAGO Refracto Polarimeter

ATAGO | Refracto Polarimeter | Portable Refracto-Polarimeter RePo-1
Portable Refracto-Polarimeter RePo-1
A fusion of index of refraction and angle of optical rotation -Making the invisible, visible- B...
ATAGO | Refracto Polarimeter | Portable Refracto-Polarimeter RePo-2
Portable Refracto-Polarimeter RePo-2
The RePo-2 can determine the amount of fructose (%) in HFCS. Like the RePo-1, the RePo-2 is a t...
ATAGO | Refracto Polarimeter | Portable Refracto-Polarimeter RePo-3
Portable Refracto-Polarimeter RePo-3
The RePo-3 can determine the amount of invert sugar (%) converted from sucrose. In addition to ...
ATAGO | Refracto Polarimeter | Portable Refracto-Polarimeter RePo-4
Portable Refracto-Polarimeter RePo-4
The RePo-4 can determine the amount of fructose (%) and honey moisture (%). In addition to angl...
ATAGO | Refracto Polarimeter | Portable Refracto-Polarimeter RePo-5
Portable Refracto-Polarimeter RePo-5
The RePo-5 can determine refractive index (nD). In addition to angle of rotation and Brix, the ...