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BROOKFIELD | Rheometre | Brookfield Rheometre - PVS
BROOKFIELD | Rheometre | Brookfield Rheometre - PVS BROOKFIELD | Rheometre | Brookfield Rheometre - PVS - 1
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Brookfield Rheometre - PVS

The PVS can be used to simulate process conditions for small fluid samples in a laboratory benchtop environment. Applications include chemical compounds containing volatile materials, oil industry, drilling muds and fracturing fluids, processed foods, polymers and paints. Any test sample requiring absolute viscosity measurement under totally enclosed conditions is a viable candidate.

Features and Benefits
  • Portable site-to-site mobility with 1' x 1' x 2' instrument footprint
  • Designed to operate in severe environments with Hastelloy cups and bobs standard
  • Quick and easy to operate
  • Measures samples from vacuum to high pressure of up to 1000 psi
    • Safety relief valve included
  • Measures under temperature conditions: -40°C to +200°C
    • RTD temperature sensor on the inner cylinder surface insures accurate sample temperature
    • Runs test to API industry standard
    • LSV measurements to 0.2 sec-1
  • Simulation of In-Process conditions:
    • Down Hole
    • Cooking
    • Blending
    • Reactors
  • Robust motor capable of speeds up to 1000 RPM
    • Outside cylinder rotates at shear rates up to 1700 sec-1, spindle inside remains stationary
  • Available with triple annulus geometry for increased sensitivity when measuring low viscosity fluids
  • Quick and easy setup
  • Complete with choice of spindle (bob), cup, Rheovision Software and computer
  • Industrial standards
Principle of Operation
The outer cylinder (sample cup) is driven by a stepper motor at speeds from 0.05 RPM to 1000 RPM. The inner cylinder (bob) contains an RTD probe on the surface to provide temperature measurement where the shear stress is being measured. Several cup and bob designs with different geometries are available to suit various applications.
The unique torque tube design enables the instrument to respond to minute changes in viscosity, mechanically transmitting a rotational torque signal out of the pressure containment area without friction. Thus all electronics, bearings, and other sensitive components are completely protected from the influences of both the sample fluid and its vapor.
  • Fracturing Fluids
  • Drilling Muds
  • Volatile Chemicals
  • Petroleum Products
  • Black Liquor

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Etiketler : Ankyralab BROOKFIELD Rheometre Brookfield Rheometre - PVS, Laboratory Devices, Laboratory Equipments, Laboratory Tools, Ankyra Laboratory Tools, Ankyralab Laboratory Devices, Ankyralab Laboratory Systems

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