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BROOKFIELD | Rheometre | Brookfield Rheometre - RS Plus Soft Solids Tester
BROOKFIELD | Rheometre | Brookfield Rheometre - RS Plus Soft Solids Tester BROOKFIELD | Rheometre | Brookfield Rheometre - RS Plus Soft Solids Tester - 1
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Brookfield Rheometre - RS Plus Soft Solids Tester

Features & Benefits

  • Vane spindle geometry allows spindle insertion without compromising sample structure
  • Easy-to-test method for materials with particulates, slurries, and stiff pastes
  • Provides data that relates to viscoelastic characteristics such as yield stress, shear modulus (stiffness of material structure when intact) and creep
  • Quantifies meaningful properties like wobbliness, sloppiness, consistency and texture
  • Automated data analysis under PC control
  • Rugged design for years of trouble-free operation in QC and R&D applications
  • Can also be used with coaxial cylinders for flow curve analysis
  • Optional Rheo200 software with Soft Solids Module allows you to program the R/S Plus Soft Solids Tester and generate data such as yield point, shear modulus, creep and relaxation
Principle of Operation
The flow properties of these materials are not easily measured using traditional coaxial cylinder or cone & plate equipment. Vane spindle geometry provides a solution. The vane spindle is lowered into the test sample with minimal disruption. The test is easily run in the sample's original container.
There are two significant Test Methods easily accomplished by the Soft Solids Tester:
  1. Constant Rate Yield Test
For Products Like
Stiff pastes, slurries, set gels, waxes
Properties Measured
Yield Stress, Yield Strain, Modulus
Test Description
This is a Constant Shear Rate Test. The vane is rotated at a constant low rotational rate and the Stress (torque) is measured against Time, Rotational Angle or Strain.
Example Method for Mayonnaise
Constant Rotation at 0.2 rpm, 60 data points are taken in 60 seconds
Typical Results Plot

2. The Creep/Recovery Test

For Products Like
Gels, lumpy products like custard, gravy, sauces and jams
Properties Measured
Instantaneous Strain, Viscous Creep, Elastic Recovery, Permanent Flow
Test Description
This is a Constant Stress Test. The Stress (torque) is applied to the sample for a fixed time period, usually from one to five minutes. The degree of sample movement is recorded against time as Angular Displacement, Strain or Compliance. The Stress is removed and the Elastic Recovery and Permanent Flow is determined.
Example Method for Fruit Preserves
Constant Stress of 1,250 Pa is applied over 120 seconds and 60 data points are taken. The stress is then removed and 60 data points are taken for another 120 seconds.
Typical Results Plot

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Etiketler : Ankyralab BROOKFIELD Rheometre Brookfield Rheometre - RS Plus Soft Solids Tester, Laboratory Devices, Laboratory Equipments, Laboratory Tools, Ankyra Laboratory Tools, Ankyralab Laboratory Devices, Ankyralab Laboratory Systems

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