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GFL Technologies | GFL Çalkalayici | Gfl Shaker - Orbital Shaker 3017
GFL Technologies | GFL Çalkalayici | Gfl Shaker - Orbital Shaker 3017 GFL Technologies | GFL Çalkalayici | Gfl Shaker - Orbital Shaker 3017 - 1
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GFL Technologies

GFL Çalkalayici

Gfl Shaker - Orbital Shaker 3017

Specifications and features     

  • Silently operating and universally applicable Orbital Shaker, long-lasting.
  • User-friendly microprocessor technique
  • Excellently applicable for continuous operation.
  • Universally applicable through the large amplitude, low noise.
  • Digital shaking frequency readout and setting via LC-display, in steps of 1.0 rpm, gentle start-up.
  • Remaining time indication through LC display.
  • RS 232 serial interface for trouble-free data transfer.
  • Clearly laid out control panel for easy operation.
  • An a.c. motor with overload protection drives the unit.
  • Shaking platform made of anodised aluminium.
  • Compact, low-wear counterbalanced drive mechanism, ensuring high stability and dependability for continuous operation.
  • Constant speed independent of load.
  • Housing made of high impact strength polystyrene.
  • Comprehensive range of accessories  

What counts when growing micro-organisms, cell and tissue cultures is a "reliable colleague" - an indispensable ingredient for successful work in biochemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, bacteriology and virology. Thus, this unit is particularly well-suited for use in laboratories, incubation and moderating rooms in ambient temperatures between +10 and +50 °C.

Technical details
Shaking motion
Shaking platform
450 x 450 mm
Load capacity
max. 15 kgs
Shaking frequency
20 - 300 rpm
Shaking amplitude
30 mm
1 minute to 99:59 hours
or continuous operation
Ambient temperature
+10 °C to +50 °C
Exterior dimensions
(W x D x H)
510 x 625 x 142 mm
Electrical connection
230 V or 115 V * /
50 or 60 Hz* / 65 W
Net / gross weight
19.0 / 25.0 kgs
Packing volume
0.16 m3
* please indicate when ordering

Etiketler : Ankyralab GFL Technologies GFL Çalkalayici Gfl Shaker - Orbital Shaker 3017, Laboratory Devices, Laboratory Equipments, Laboratory Tools, Ankyra Laboratory Tools, Ankyralab Laboratory Devices, Ankyralab Laboratory Systems

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