Fiber Optik Prob
Hellma Fibre Optic Probe-ATR Probe
ATR Probes
ATR means “Attenuated Total Reflection”. Light passing from a material with high refractive index (ATR crystal) to a material with lower refractive index (solution) is normally totally reflected. However, in practise, the light partially enters the solution and can be absorbed. The reflected light is therefore attenuated, causing a measurable reduction in the output signal dependent upon the absorbance of the solution.
Catalogue Number
Prism material
Barrel material
Probe head seal
Epoxy glue
Outside Ø
12.5 mm
Total length
205 mm
Max. immersion depth
165 mm
Typ. transmission
approx. 25% in air 300 nm
Max. pressure
6 bar
Max. temperature
150 °C
Fibre-optic cables
Built-in, not exchangeable
UV/Vis–2 m** 240 nm –1100 nm (41.667 cm-1– 9.100 cm-1) UV/Vis–low solarisation on request |
Catalogue Number
Prism material
Barrel material
Stainless steel 1.4435 (316 L)
or 2.4602 (Hastelloy® C-22) |
Probe head seal
Outside Ø
12.7 mm*
Total length
266 mm
Max. immersion depth
200 mm
Typ. transmission
UV/Vis approx. 25% in air 300 nm
Max. pressure
15 bar
Max. temperature
150 °C
Fibre-optic cables
Built-in, not exchangeable
UV/Vis–2 m** 240 nm –1100 nm (41.667 cm-1– 9.100 cm-1) UV/Vis–low solarisation on request |
Etiketler : Ankyralab HELLMA Fiber Optik Prob Hellma Fibre Optic Probe-ATR Probe, Laboratory Devices, Laboratory Equipments, Laboratory Tools, Ankyra Laboratory Tools, Ankyralab Laboratory Devices, Ankyralab Laboratory Systems